Monday, September 19, 2011

Jams Of Tha Day: Monday 19th September 2011

Pure X - Your in it Now & Dream Over:

I'll be perfectly honest here; every-time i go to Rough Trade i end up spending ludicrous amounts of money on new artists albums. On my browsing this time round i stumbled across the hazy, distorted noise of Pure X. This collaboration from Nate Grace, Jesse Jenkins and Austin Youngblood is their first debut album & it's a promising one for what they offer. What i admire is their fixed guidelines before recording a track, these are: 

To capture songs in their purest form, mistakes and all, as they were being written. Chasing a vibe in the studio allowed the songs to form themselves; structure and formula lost their rigidity as the songwriting process became more about meditative evolution than meticulous intent.

This honest, raw approach makes me admire the group all the more. Turning their back against the cliche, industry standard way of recording in flavor of loose, almost jamming sessions for me makes the songs all the more hauntingly beautiful-as they are essentially do one take and that's it. 

That is all for today :) 


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